



1、物业管理的概念:物业管理,是指业主、物业服务企业或者其他管理人对房屋及其配套设施设备和相关场地进行维修、养护、管理,维护物业管理区域内的环境卫生和相关秩序的活动。 1, the concept of property management, property management, refers to the owner, realty service enterprise or any other manager on the premises and facilities equipment and related sites for repair, maintenance, management and maintenance of sanitation within the realty management area and the related order. 2、物业管理推行社会化、专业化的服务,落实好环境清洁卫生工作,不但能推动物业管理工作的正常开展,也能有效地保持大厦和小区的“常住常新”“井然有序”的面貌,使广大住户、用户亲身感受到环境的整洁、舒适。 2, property management service socialization, specialization, to carry out the good environment clean health work, not only can promote the normal work of property management, can effectively keep the building and community resident often "new" the appearance of "orderly", make broad residents, the user feels clean and comfortable environment. 3、所属的公司名称、企业理念。 The name of the company and the enterprise philosophy. 4、物业清洁保洁是指经过专门培训的清洁保洁工,使用专门的清洁机器、清洁工具和清洁物料,按照科学的管理方法和严格的清洁保养程序、技术规范,对特定物业本身及各种装饰材料进行清扫和护理,以求保持其应有的表面光泽、颜色和高洁净度的一项专业化_工作,能使物业“永葆青春”。 4, property cleaning cleaning refers to the cleaning cleaners, receive special training to use special cleaning machinery, cleaning tools and cleaning materials, in accordance with the scientific management methods and strict cleaning and maintenance procedures, technical specifications, for a particular property itself and all kinds of decorative materials for cleaning and nursing, in order to keep its high surface gloss, color and a specialized _ of the purity of the work, can make the property "eternal youth". 5、清洁保洁工在行走过程中,应将工具(包括地拖、扫把、伸缩杆等) .手持离地向上。 In the course of walking, clean cleaners should be able to hold the tools (including ground tow, broom, telescopic lever).


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