



1、300克红茶泡热茶两脸盆水,放入居室中,并开窗透气,48小时内室内甲醛含量将下降90%以上,刺激性气味基本消除。 2、把泡过的茶叶,放在冰箱内部,即可达到除臭作用。若是没有茶叶,也可将柠檬或柳丁切开,只要半小块便能达到功效。此外,以沾有啤酒的抹布擦拭冰箱内部,异味也会无所遁形。 3、在家庭的卫生间里摆放绿色植物,可以达到调节空气,消除异味的功效。最好在窗口养上一盆绿植,或者放上花瓶,插三五朵花,可以带来清新怡人的感觉。 1, 300 grams of black tea bubble hot tea two face water, put into the living room, and open the window to breathe, 48 hours inside the room formaldehyde content will be reduced by more than 90%, the irritant smell basically eliminated. 2, put the soaked tea in the refrigerator, so that it can achieve deodorant effect. If there is no tea, lemon or willow can also be cut, as long as half a small piece can achieve the effect. In addition, with a beer rag to wipe the interior of the fridge, there will be no escape from the smell. 3, placing green plants in the bathroom of the family can achieve the effect of regulating air and eliminating peculiar smell. It is better to keep a green plant on the window, or put a vase in it, and insert 35 flowers to bring fresh and pleasant feeling.


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  2. 手机:13463278889
  3. 地址:丽景蓝湾B区东门路南洁匠清洁用品超市

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