保洁服务的内容、礼仪 |
添加时间:2020/12/2 15:59:56 浏览次数: |
一、保洁服务内容 1、 Cleaning service content 作为一名保洁人员,不能只懂得打扫卫生,还要明白自己具体的工作任务。如果工作的糊里糊涂,你很快就会厌烦你的工作。一般物业公司要求保洁人员要做的有: As a cleaning staff, not only know how to clean, but also understand their specific tasks. If the work is muddled, you will soon get tired of your work. General property companies require cleaning staff to do the following: 1、根据实际情况合理布设果皮箱或垃圾桶,垃圾清运日产日清,无垃圾桶、果皮箱满溢现象,保持垃圾设施清洁、无异味;垃圾袋装化。 1. According to the actual situation, reasonable layout of fruit boxes or garbage cans, garbage removal and transportation daily, no garbage can, no overflow phenomenon, keep garbage facilities clean, no odor, garbage bagging. 2、有健全的保洁制度,道路、广场、停车场、绿地等公共区域设专人保洁,每天清扫2次;一层共用大厅每日拖洗1次;楼梯扶手每日擦洗1次;共用部位玻璃每周清洁1次;室外标识、宣传栏、信报箱等共用部位设施设备每周擦拭2次;路灯、楼道灯每月清洁1次。 2. There is a sound cleaning system. Roads, squares, parking lots, green space and other public areas are cleaned by special personnel twice a day; the common hall on the first floor is scrubbed once a day; the stair handrails are scrubbed once a day; the glass of common parts is cleaned once a week; the facilities and equipment of outdoor signs, billboards, letter boxes and other common parts are wiped twice a week; street lamps and corridor lights are cleaned once a month. 3、共用雨、污水管道每年疏通1次;雨水井、化粪井、污水井每月检查1次,视检查情况及时清掏,保持通畅,无堵塞外溢;化粪池每月检查1次,每半年清掏1次,发现异常及时清掏。 3. The common rainwater and sewage pipelines shall be dredged once a year; the rainwater well, chemical well and sewage well shall be inspected once a month, and shall be cleaned timely according to the inspection conditions to keep it unobstructed without blockage and overflow; the septic tank shall be inspected once a month and cleaned once every half a year, and the abnormality shall be removed in time. 4、二次供水水箱按规定清洗,定时巡查,水质符合卫生要求。 4. The secondary water supply tank is cleaned according to the regulations and inspected regularly. The water quality meets the sanitary requirements. 5、进行保洁巡查,楼道内无乱悬挂、乱贴乱画、乱堆放等现象。 5. Cleaning inspection was carried out, and there was no hanging, pasting, and stacking in the corridor. 6、建立消杀工作管理制度,根据园区实际情况开展毒和灭虫除害工作,适时投放消杀药物,有效控制鼠、蟑、蚊、蝇等害虫孳生。 6. Establish the management system of killing work, carry out the work of poison and pest control according to the actual situation of the park, timely release the killing drugs, and effectively control the breeding of rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies and other pests. |
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